Praxis - Jugoslavensko izdanje
Praxis - Yugoslav Edition
Publishing House: CEEOL Collections / Digital Reproductions
Subject(s): Philosophy
Frequency: irregular and other
Status: CEEOL Digital Reproductions
- 1965
- 1966
- 1967
- 1968
- 1969
- 1970
- 1971
- 1972
- 1973
- 1974
- Issue No. 01
- Issue No. 02
- Issue No. 03
- Issue No. 04-05
- Issue No. 06
- Issue No. 01
- Issue No. 02
- Issue No. 03
- Issue No. 01
- Issue No. 01-02
- Issue No. 03
- Issue No. 04
- Issue No. 05-06
- Issue No. 01-02
- Issue No. 03
- Issue No. 04
- Issue No. 01-02
- Issue No. 03-04
- Issue No. 05-06
- Issue No. 01-02
- Issue No. 03
- Issue No. 04
- Issue No. 05-06
- Issue No. 01+02
- Issue No. 02
- Issue No. 03-04
- Issue No. 05
- Issue No. 06
- Issue No. 03-04
- Issue No. 01-02
- Issue No. 03-04
- Issue No. 01-02
- Issue No. 03-05
Articles list
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{{ article.TitleOriginalLanguage }}
({{ article.TitleEnglish }})
- Publication: {{ article.Publisher }} ({{ article.Issue }})
- Author(s): {{ article.Authors }}
- Contributor(s): {{ article.Contributors }}
- Language: {{ article.Language }}
- Subject(s): {{ article.Subjects }}
- Issue: {{ article.Issue }}
- Page Range: {{ article.PageRange }}
- No. of Pages: {{ article.NumberOfPages }}
- Keywords: {{ article.Keywords }}
- Summary/Abstract: {{ article.SummaryAbstract }}
- Price: {{common.currency(calcSubTotal(article.Price))}}
Short Description
The Praxis journal was published by a group of praxis theoreticians, mainly from Zagreb University. It was published in two editions: Yugoslav and foreign. The first issue of the Yugoslav edition was published on 1 September 1964 and was published until 1974. As for the foreign edition, it was published between 1965 and 1973. Its founders were Branko Bošnjak, Danko Grlić, Milan Kangrga, Rudi Supek, Gajo Petrović, Predrag Vranicki, Danilo Pejović and Ivan Kuvačić. The first editors of the journal were Petrović and Pejović, but in 1966 Pejović resigned from Praxis. After that, Supek was the co-editor of the journal together with Petrović. In January 1974 Supek also resigned and was replaced by Kuvačić as the co-editor of Praxis (Souce:Wikipedia)