О барьерах и стимулах во взаимной торговле Мол довы и Приднестровья в усло виях DCFTA
About barriers and incentives in the trade between Moldova and Transnistria under DCFTA conditions

Author(s): Tatiana Lariusin
Subject(s): National Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: IDIS VIITORUL Institutul pentru Dezoltare şi Initiative Sociale
Keywords: mutual trade in frozen conflict; Moldova-Transnistria;
Summary/Abstract: The creation of a common economic space is preceded by the establishment of a free trade area with the application of a common customs tariff. Moldova and Transnistria participate in regional projects of political, institutional and economic integration that have an opposite vector. Each of the parties shall regulate its relations in the fields of foreign trade and customs in accordance with its own legislation. At the same time, the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria are characterized by small internal market dimensions, limited production factors and insufficient natural resources. These issues impose special requirements on the effectiveness of foreign economic activity and largely determine the general nature of the development of economies on both banks of the Dniester. All these discussions take place in a very difficult regional context. The crisis in Ukraine has generated extensive consultations and various stidoes on the scenarios of the evolution of the situation and the ways of solving the conditions of concurrent integrations in this part of the post-Soviet space. A crucial regional challenge is to avoid "geopolitical ruptures" as well as to create a new platform for cooperation between the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, the EU and the Russian Federation.

  • Page Count: 17
  • Publication Year: 2014
  • Language: Russian
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