SOVIET-Literature. Issue 1961-06 Cover Image
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SOWJET-Literatur. Ausgabe 1961-06
SOVIET-Literature. Issue 1961-06

Author(s): Pavel G. Antokolʹskij, Nikolai Bogoslowski, Musa M. Džalilʹ, Oles‘ Hončar, Lev Zinov'evič Kopelev, Konstantin Lapin, Sergej Orlow, Nikolai Shegalow, Konstantin Michajlovič Simonov, Sergej V. Smirnov, Aleksej A. Surkov
Subject(s): Literary Texts, Studies of Literature
Published by: CEEOL Collections / Digital Reproductions
Summary/Abstract: Oles Gontschar: Man and Weapons // Juri Nagibin: The Echo // POEMS: Alexej Surkow: Fire flickers in the oven // Konstantin Simonow: Wait for me // Mussá Dshalil: Don't believe it! // Sergej Orlow: In the world he is now // Pawel Antokolski: The son (from the poem of the same name) // OUR CONTEMPORARIES: Konstantin Lapin: What he wants to be // WRITERS AND ARTISTS HAVE THE WORD: Sergej Smirnov: In rank and file // LITERATURE AND REVIEW: Lev Kopelew: There is no Peace West of the Elbe // MEMORIAL DAYS: Nikolai Bogoslowski: Wissarion Belinski (on his 150th birthday) // Nikolai Shegalov: Pages, Come back to Life

  • Page Count: 186
  • Publication Year: 1961
  • Language: German
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