SOVIET-Literature. Issue 1960-10 Cover Image
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SOWJET-Literatur. Ausgabe 1960-10
SOVIET-Literature. Issue 1960-10

Author(s): Evgenij A. Permjak, Oles‘ Hončar, Leonid Perwomajskyj, Pavlo Tyčyna, Ljubomyr Dmyterko, Maksym Tadejovyč Rylʹsʹkyj, Afanasij D. Salynskij, Gurgen Mikhailovich Borian, Mychajlo Panassowytsch Stelmach, Galina Wsewolodowna Barinowa, Viktor Rosow, Grigorij Kozincev, Viktor Sergueïevitch Rozov
Subject(s): Russian Literature, Ukrainian Literature
Published by: CEEOL Collections / Digital Reproductions
Summary/Abstract: Evgeni PERMJAK: The fairy tale of the gray wolf // Oles GONTSCHAR: Usman and Marta // Leonid PERWOMAISKI: The demlack // Pavlo TYTSCHINA: Isn't it better to be true and young // Ljubomir DMITERKO: A love song / Am Ufer // Maxim RYLSKI: A girl // Viktor IWANISSENKO: The way of a poet // Arkadi ANASTASYEW: The conflict in the drama // Afanassi SALYNSKI: The person on the stage // Viktor ROSOW: Good signs // Gurgen BORIAN: Character and conflict // Yevgeny CABRILOWITSCH: About the movie of the spirit and the truth // Maxim RYLSKI: Poet of the good // Michailo STELMACH: Interview // Galina BARINOVA: Inspired artistry .... A rare photo // Grigori KOSINZEW: important things in everyday life // Ludmilla TURUNOWA : Visual artists of the Ukraine // Antonina KUDRJASCHOWA: In twenty-five languages

  • Page Count: 190
  • Publication Year: 1960
  • Language: German
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