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Шумадија и Војводина
Šumadija and Vojvodina

Author(s): Veljko Petrović
Subject(s): Regional Geography, Local History / Microhistory, Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
Published by: CEEOL Collections / Digital Reproductions
Summary/Abstract: published in 1930 as issue 1 of a series "Yugoslav Unity Library" [Библиотека ЈугословенскогЈединства] by the "Association of Vojvodina in Belgrade" [Издаје Удружење Војвођана у Београду] // FROM THE INTRODUCTION: The Association of Vojvodina Residents of Belgrade decided to publish a series of booklets called "Library of Yugoslav Unity". The purpose of the Library is to show in the spirit of national and state unity all the connections, factors, phenomena, mutual influences, social, cultural, political and economic between individual regions, which have contributed and continue to contribute to the creation and strengthening of the idea of national ans societal unity. // In that Library, it will be seen especially that the Danube Banovina is presented, from the side of history, folklore, art, culture, national economy in the upper direction. // From the national point of view, it is especially useful to comprehensively study these mutual influences and all phenomena, whether social, cultural or economic, which cement the basis of our state life, the feeling of the national community and the peoples‘ unity. Only by getting to know each other and studying common values can we reach a full and clear understanding of the historical significance of each region as a whole. The library attaches special importance to the historical relationship between Šumadija and Vojvodina and to the national mission of Serbia and the cultural significance of Vojvodina, and that is why its first booklets will discuss these issues.

  • Page Count: 25
  • Publication Year: 1930
  • Language: Serbian
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