"Лошите кредити": институционални и финансови аспекти, 1994
Bad Credits: Financial and Institutional Aspects, 1994

Author(s): Christina Vutcheva
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, National Economy, Sociology, Applied Sociology, Evaluation research, Economic development, Financial Markets, Public Finances, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Център за изследване на демокрацията
Summary/Abstract: Since the beginning of 1991 Bulgaria has been living through a period of transition from centralized totalitarian control to free market economy. Year 1990 can be said to mark the political liberation of the people with the adoption of the new Constitution. The economic liberalization, however, is a reality yet to be brought to life since private ownership is not prevalent in the economy. The prime aim of the transition is to substitute an absurd and inefficient economic system for a new one to rely on the free initiative, private ownership and competition.

  • Page Count: 17
  • Publication Year: 1994
  • Language: Bulgarian
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