ПОЛИТИКА И ПРИВАТИЗАЦИЯ. Трансформацията на собствеността в България през призмата на политическите борби
POLITICS AND PRIVATIZATION. Transformation of ownership in Bulgaria through the prism of political struggles
Author(s): Boyan V. Gyuzelev
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, National Economy, Sociology, Applied Sociology, Economic development, Financial Markets, Public Finances, Sociology of Politics, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Център за изследване на демокрацията
Summary/Abstract: Undoubtedly, the process of ownership transformation is central to economic reform. Without it, Bulgaria can not become a functioning market economy. Privatization (or restitution) is therefore a political process. Its successful outcome guarantees the future and stability of democracy in the country.Privatization, however, has become one of the fields of opposition between the political forces. The course of ownership transformation has been delayed, which has created the danger of it becoming an endless and fruitless discussion, giving fruit to political struggles, but leading to a deepening of the economic crisis.The fact that privatization, land re-establishment and restitution had to start in an unstable political environment, accompanied by economic recession and lack of interest on the part of foreign investors, created a dangerous tendency to defame them.In the context of a strong political confrontation, the interests of political forces are moving ahead with economic arguments. In such a situation of chaos and instability in institutions, state and municipal bureaucracies are more likely to hamper privatization rather than cooperate because they have no interest in losing the monopoly on property.
Series: CSD Papers on Politics
- Page Count: 32
- Publication Year: 1993
- Language: Bulgarian