Parliamentary Challenges in the EU Accession Process
Parliamentary Challenges in the EU Accession Process
Author(s): Elton Kacidhja, Malinka Ristevska-Jordanova, Tanja Hafner Ademi, Ilina Nesik, Tatjana Bulajić, Jovana Marović
Contributor(s): Gjergji Vurmo (Editor)
Subject(s): Governance, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
Published by: IDM – Instituti për Demokraci dhe Ndërmjetësim
Keywords: EU Accession; Parliamentary
Committee on European Integration (PCEI); The Legistlative Process; Civil Society
Summary/Abstract: A National Conference entitled “Improving parliamentaryactivity on EU accession” was scheduled by the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) to take place on 21st of December 2012, aiming to engage national decision-makers,Parliamentary and Governmental actors, civic and other stakeholders in a consultative process to discuss and reach consensus over possible legal and institutional alternatives to improve legislative’s role under the EU accession.
- Page Count: 67
- Publication Year: 2013
- Language: English