Transparency of Public Procurement in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Between Theory and Practice
Transparency of Public Procurement in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Between Theory and Practice
Author(s): Nermina Voloder
Contributor(s): Mirna Jusić (Editor), Tarik Jusić (Editor), Ulvija Tanović (Translator)
Subject(s): Business Economy / Management, Public Law, Law on Economics, Public Finances, Accounting - Business Administration, Corruption - Transparency - Anti-Corruption, Commercial Law
Published by: Analitika – Centar za društvena istraživanja, sva prava pridržana
Keywords: BiH; public procurement; transparency; theory; practice;
Summary/Abstract: Transparency is often singled out as one of the key indicators of a just and functional public procurement system, and it refers to the availability of all relevant information that enables stakeholders to become familiar with the rules and procedures applied in the public procurement process. If a public authority fails to ensure a sufficient level of transparency, it is impossible to ascertain whether the public procurement procedure was conducted impartially and in line with the rules. In that context, transparency in the implementation of public procurement contributes to increasing the accountability of public authorities and more efficient control of public spending. Contracting authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) are under the obligation to transparently conduct public procurement procedures and ensure fair and equal treatment of all tenderers in order to achieve the best value for public money. These principles are stipulated in the Law on Public Procurement in Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: LPPBiH) adopted in April 2014 as part of the public procurement system reforms and harmonisation of domestic legislation with European Union acquis. The new, modernised legal framework was established in BiH ten years after the adoption of the first Law on Public Procurement in 2004, which had shown numerous shortcomings in practice, including some to do with transparency. Although the new law introduced better norms for the aspect of transparency in public procurement, shortcomings that may have significant implications in practice are still evident. One of the aims of this analysis is to assess the extent to which the legal framework ensures an adequate level of transparency in public procurement in BiH, and how transparency could be improved. The analysis offers insight into the main obstacles to transparency in public procurement, especially in light of international standards and comparative practices, focusing primarily on existing legal and institutional solutions in this domain. It should be noted that the new Law on Public Procurement of BiH has been in force only since November 2014, and that certain bylaws relevant to transparency have not yet been adopted. That is why at this stage of research, insight into the practice of public procurement is still limited. This report focuses on the obligations of public institutions stipulated under the Law on Public Procurement of BiH to independently publish key information on public procurement that will enable the public procurement procedure and provide public insight into the process for awarding contracts. Access to all public information in the possession of any institution in BiH, including specific information on public procurement, may also be requested in line with the laws on free access to information adopted at the state and entity level, but this aspect of transparency is not the subject of the present analysis. This report takes into account the main conceptual discussions of transparency in public procurement processes. It then gives an overview of international standards in this area, focusing on European Directives for conducting public procurement procedures, and on decisions of the European Court of Justice. It also presents comparative practices in transparent public procurement in European Union countries with innovative approaches to improving the public procurement system, such as Slovakia and Portugal. The legal frameworks and practices of Western Balkan countries that have in the past few years made innovations to their legal and institutional frameworks for public procurement as part of the European Union approximation process are subject to a separate analysis. This primarily pertains to the experiences of Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. Past reports on these issues, as well as the old and new legislative and institutional framework are also analysed. Finally, interviews were conducted with representatives of key institutions, including the Public Procurement Agency (hereinafter: PPA) and the Procurement Review Body (hereinafter: PRB), as well as with representatives of the business community in BiH.
Series: Analitika - Report
- Page Count: 55
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: English