Semantică socială şi etnicitate. O tipologie a modurilor identitare discursive în România
Social semantics and ethnicity. A typology of discursive identity modes in Romania
Author(s): Marius Lazăr
Subject(s): Culture and social structure , Inter-Ethnic Relations, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Sociology of Education, Identity of Collectives
Published by: ISPMN Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale
Keywords: Romania; ethnic relations; interethnic climate of Romania; Romanians; Hungarians; Roma population;
Summary/Abstract: The present study redraws the map of ethnic relations in Romania on the basis of sociological surveys carried out by the Reseach Center on Inter-ethnic Relations (Centrul de Cercetare a Relaţiilor Interetnice,CCRIT) and by the Ethnocultural Diversity Resource Center (Centrul de Resurse pentru Diversitate Etnoculturală), together with the Metro Media Transilvania Institute and the Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities (Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale, ISPMN). The author participated in all of these surveys as either research coordinator or as a consultant; and although the aforementioned surveys had different objectives and were carried out in different contexts, they had a common denominator, i.e. they examined the interethnic climate in Romania by taking the mirror-images which the main ethnic groups (Romanians, Hungarians and the Roma) had about one another. Going beyond the descriptive level that was typical of the first attempts synthesizing the collected data, the study intends to synthesize the main attitudes and orientations of the population from Romania on the basis of ideal-typical attitudes and discourses corresponding with certain social segments. The study incorporates the longitudinal data which enable a unitary approach based on continuity, and record essential and relevant aspects for positioning the subjects in the field of inter-ethnicity.
- Page Count: 49
- Publication Year: 2009
- Language: Romanian