National Security & Defence, № 177+178 (2019 - 01+02)
National Security & Defence, № 177+178 (2019 - 01+02)
Author(s): Richard Gowan, Alexander Duleba, Steven Pifer, Leonid Polyakov, Wołodymyr Fesenko, Yevhen Mahda, Kostiantyn Kononenko, Serhiy Harmash, Oleksandr Khara, Maksym Rozumny, Vitalii Martyniuk, Andrii Holtsov, Viktor Musiyaka
Subject(s): Security and defense, Military policy, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: Український Центр економічних і політичних Досліджень імені Олександра Разумкова
Keywords: Eastern Ukraine; Russian aggression against Ukraine;
Summary/Abstract: The War in Donbas: Realities and Prospects of Settlement // Geopolitical Aspects of Conflict in Donbas // Occupation of Donbas: Current Situation and Trends // Donbas: Scenarios of Developments and Prospects of a Peacekeeping Mission // Summary and Proposals: Peacekeeping Mission in Donbas: Western Experts’ Opinions // The War in Donbas: Probable Scenarios and the Line of Actions // The Conflict in the East of Ukraine: Expert Opinions and Positions // The “Donbas Component” of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Citizens’ Opinions and Assessments // The Strategies and Goals of Russian Intervention in Donbas // Some Aspects of Decisions in the Domain of State Law for the Occupied Areas of Donbas
Series: Національна безпека і оборона
- Page Count: 173
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: English