Нормативно-правове забезпечення та управління виборчим процесом – оцінка ефективності та рекомендації (за підсумками виборчої кампанії-2020)
Regulatory and legal support and management of the election process - evaluation of efficiency and recommendations (following the results of the 2020 election campaign)

Author(s): I. A. Pavlenko, O. O. Danilyak, G. V. Makarov
Subject(s): Civil Society, Public Administration, Electoral systems
Published by: НІСД Національний інститут стратегічних досліджень
Keywords: electoral system in Ukraine;
Summary/Abstract: The Analytical Report considers the peculiarities of the application of the new electoral model during the elections to local authorities in 2020. Estimates are given of the changes that the party system of Ukraine has undergone due to the widespread use of the proportional system of elections and the decentralization reform. Some shortcomings of the election process administration have been identified. In addition, during the preparation of the report, the assessments and recommendations of international organizations that observed the 2020 elections were analyzed. Based on the analysis, recommendations were developed to amend the Electoral Code of Ukraine in order to eliminate shortcomings in the organization and conduct of election campaigns, as well as to improve the implementation of representative functions of deputies by local councils.

  • Page Count: 14
  • Publication Year: 2021
  • Language: Ukrainian
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