Информационни рискове в съвременната медийна екосистема
Information risks in the contemporary media ecosystem

Author(s): Lilia Raycheva
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
Published by: Факултет по журналистика и масова комуникация, Софийски университет „Св. Кл. Охридски”
Keywords: media ecosystem; professional standards; ICTs
Summary/Abstract: A number of media and communication studies indicate the risks to the professional and quality functioning of the contemporary media ecosystem: pollution of the information environment; distortion of public discourse; restriction of journalistic autonomy; problematic content management; fragmentation of audiences, etc. In 2011, the Council of Europe adopted the Recommendation Towards a New Notion for the Media. It outlines the main guidelines for updating the concepts of the media ecosystem, covering the interaction between all participants and factors important for the social functioning of communications. In order to establish the effectiveness of the criteria and standards outlined in the Recommendation for the professional functioning of the modern information and communication environment, a qualitative and quantitative study was undertaken among students from FJMC at the St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University. The comparative analysis shows interesting results for the application of professional standards in journalism, as well as for the perception of content by audiences, important for overcoming the information risks in the contemporary media ecosystem.

  • Page Range: 437-446
  • Page Count: 10
  • Publication Year: 2021
  • Language: Bulgarian
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