Aspecte ale utilizării situaţiilor didactice în procesul de instruire
Aspects of using didactical situations in university instruction

Author(s): Nicoleta Bleandură
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education , Pedagogy
Published by: Biblioteca Ştiinţifică a Universităţii de Stat Alecu Russo
Keywords: competence; pedagogy of integration; didactical situations; transfer; integration
Summary/Abstract: In Moldova, the organizing principle of the curriculum is the competence based approach (CBA), which serves as a fundamental guideline for developing curricula. CBA approach can be called situations based approach (SBA) for the simple reason that competences can be developed only in a certain situation. In this context, at the "Alecu Russo" Balti State University, the Faculty SREM, in recent years, students’ training at the course "Generic Applications" is based on didactic situations. Competence development occurs as a result of the actions made by the student through resources mobilization for the successful treatment of a situation (family of situations).During this process, some issues occurred regarding the improvement of the practice of instruction from teachers who taught using didactical situations and the students trained. The article analyzes the results of questioning the involved students and some suggestions received from teachers, adherents of this strategy.

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