Cinizam poricanja genocida: Uradili smo sve što smo naumili, negirajmo sve što smo uradili
The Cynicism of Genocide Denial: We Have Done Everything We Planned, Let Us Deny Everything We Have Done
Author(s): Esad Bajtal
Subject(s): International Law, International relations/trade, Politics and law, Politics of History/Memory, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: Institut za istraživanje zločina protiv čovječnosti i međunarodnog prava Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Keywords: spoils of war; genocide; denial; pure lie; crimes; remake;
Summary/Abstract: Denying and systematically killing the truth of the war is the programmatic, starting position of Slobodan Milosevic’s criminal great-state crypto-policy. With the sentence “Everything about Bosnia and Herzegovina is a pure lie”, uttered on the first day of the trial in The Hague (in front of cameras around the world), the principle of “pure lies” was presented to the world as a key methodological principle of great state strategy and Serbian policy which culminates in the systematic denial of the judicially established genocide in Srebrenica. Instead of genocide, according to the logic of that denial ideology, it is a “great crime” committed by individuals. And when these individuals finally arrive in The Hague, then, by the logic of that same principle, it is not a trial of them, executioners, contractors, orderers... but, God forbid - of the entire Serbian people. Accordingly, the uncritical and encouraged public, celebrating with huge stadium banners “Knife, wire, Srebrenica”, threateningly announces the repetition of exactly what the Serbian authorities persistently hide and openly deny. In short, in its reduced performance, the Greater Serbia ideology of denial tempers its public appearances on an unspoken phantasmatic principle: It was not as it was, but it was as we say it was.
- Page Range: 627-651
- Page Count: 25
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Bosnian