Послания на толерантност вместо търсене на конфронтация с езикови средства в медийно съдържание на съвременен испански език
Messages оf Tolerance Instead оf Verbal Confrontation in the Media Content in Contemporary Spanish Language

Author(s): Raya Raycheva
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Tolerance; Language; Speech; Media; Culture
Summary/Abstract: The creation of a pan-European cultural space goes through the creation of common European linguistic frameworks, norms or standards which, especially in the field of media content, could serve as a “European agreement” on linguistic tolerance. This report seeks to put on the table an issue that is becoming ever more tangible in our daily lives - how, through linguistic means, consciously or not, a climate of intolerance and aggression in interpersonal relationships is being fostered. Linguistic tools should not be transformed, neither passively nor actively, into carriers of discrimination, aggression, sexism, or any other kind of disrespect for tolerance, especially when this affects the transfer of a universal human value system to the next generations.

  • Page Range: 186-195
  • Page Count: 10
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Language: Bulgarian
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