Структурни мерки в банковата система на ЕС: между кръстопътя и края на реформите
Structural Measures in the EU Banking System: Between the Crossroads and the End of the Reforms

Author(s): Kaloyan Simeonov
Subject(s): Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Supranational / Global Economy, EU-Legislation
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Banking Union; EU; Banking Regulation; Banking System; Banking Supervision
Summary/Abstract: The main objective of the present paper is to analyse whether the EU’s banking system is progressing towards conclusion of the present legislative reforms which were mainly triggered by the recent economic and financial crisis or, on contrary, it is still left at crossroads and the directions towards which it could continue forward are different. In the second part of the research the author presents other legislative initiatives in the banking sector initiated by the EU and some of which had already been published and implemented. Then the author focuses attention on the proposal for regulation pertaining to the structural measures to enhance the bank stability in the EU and discusses to what extent the latter could be treated as a concluding element for the banking reform in the EU.

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