La visioconférence au service de la didactique de la traduction : co-enseignement électronique prometteur dans le cadre d’un projet pédagogique commun
Video conferencing at the service of translation didactics: promising electronic co-teaching as part of a common educational project

Author(s): Michel Politis, Elisa Hatzidaki
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning, Translation Studies
Published by: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara
Keywords: videoconferencing;translation studies;co-teaching;audiovisual technology
Summary/Abstract: Over the last few years, new information and communication technologies have been a breeding ground for development and exploitation. Such a progress couldn’t be indifferent to Translation Studies, which are the ultimate field of linguistic and cultural contact. Within the framework of a joint experimental project, the authors carried out a distant, simultaneous, translation teaching course through videoconferencing between two teachers and two classes located at different places: Corfu and Montpellier. The results of this co-teaching project met their expectations and proved the pedagogical benefits of audiovisual technologies, as an innovative teaching method, but also showed its restrictions and constraints.

  • Page Range: 163-176
  • Page Count: 14
  • Publication Year: 2015
  • Language: French
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