Престанак радног односа на иницијативу послодавца
Termination of Employment on the Initiative of the Employer

Author(s): Radislav Lale
Subject(s): Civil Law, Labor relations
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Discontinuation of employment;Termination of employment contract;Justified reasons for dissmisal;Cancellation procedure;Unlawful termination of employment contract;
Summary/Abstract: The paper systematically discusses the issue of termination of employment on the initiative of the employer in domestic, comparative and international law, as one of the most significant and sensitive labour law institutes. The author analyzed the positive regulation of termination of the employment contract by the employer as an essential element of his freedom to contract, as well as his freedom of entrepreneurship and management. Valid (allowable) dismissal reasons related to an employee's abilities and behavior, and dismissal considerations related to the needs of the employer, as well as the issue of prohibited dismissal reasons have been thoroughly discussed in the relevant sections of this paper. Also, the subject of analysis is the procedure in the case of dismissal, and special attention is paid to the legal consequences of unlawful termination of employment.

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