Black Sea Holocene Environmental Setting in Respect of Ostrea Edulis Appearance and Loss
Black Sea Holocene Environmental Setting in Respect of Ostrea Edulis Appearance and Loss

Author(s): Ivan Genov, Krasimira Slavova, Tzvetana Nonova, Elena Koleva-Rekalova
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Energy and Environmental Studies
Published by: Национално издателство за образование и наука „Аз-буки“
Keywords: Black Sea; Holocene; palaeoenvironment; Ostrea edulis; pollution
Summary/Abstract: Geological and palaeoclimatic Holocene setting in the Black Sea has been traced. This research suggests that the appearance of Ostrea edulis in the Black Sea during the Middle Holocene, not immediately after the invasion of Mediterranean waters, is due to the dynamics of interconnected climate and abiotic parameters of the basin. Although the reasons for the decrease in abundance of the Black Sea population of flat oysters are still uncertain, we attempts, through a comparative analysis of key abiotic factors in the past and today, to suggest that it is quite possible marine ecosystems to respond to modern changes of key climate-related drivers and pollution by changing their habitat and/or extinction. Geological approaches were used to study the abiotic factors of the environment (salinity and temperature) back in time.

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