Либерализация и регулация на капиталовите пенсионни схеми в България
Liberalization and Regulation of Capital Pension Schemes in Bulgaria

Author(s): Stanislav Dimitrov
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy, Financial Markets
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Bulgaria; Capital Pension Schemes; Pension Funds; Liberalization
Summary/Abstract: The report aims to provoke an in-depth discussion on improvement of the pension system in Bulgaria. Emphasis is placed on the role of capital pension schemes and, in particular, on their development. The improvement of the capital pension schemes is considered through the prism of improving the regulation and achieving liberalization in certain activity aspects. We review the regulation and liberalization of the capital pension schemes as part of the process of Bulgaria's integration into the European Union. The study is structured in four main sections: the role of equity pension schemes in the country's pension system; the state of the regulation of these activities; aspects of liberalization at present and what are the challenges and guidelines for improving the system.

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