Проблеми на новия прагматизъм
Problems of the New Pragmatism

Author(s): Ruska Dimova
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, International relations/trade
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: New Pragmatism; Fundamentalism; Economic Development; International Economic Relations; International Development
Summary/Abstract: Pragmatism is defined by the state-market relation which is an alternative to market fundamentalism. According to it the role of the state is to not directly interfere in the functioning of markets, but it rather has economic regulation functions to create business and foster public environment for economic growth. The new global pragmatism consists in the implementation of policies of economic and financial stability, economic growth and more fairness based on the growing interdependence of real and financial markets. It requires overcoming of the individualistic approach and it includes problems of the new mercantilism and the prevention of financial crises. The state-market relation is more broadly defined through the complexity of the market and institutional mechanism at all governance levels in the world in terms of more effective, responsible and transparent solution of economic problems of all countries. The report includes questions on the framework of the new pragmatism, the main post-crisis problems, and the directions for reforming the global financial system.

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