Оценка на степента на интеграция на българския пазар на акции в пазара на акции на европейския паричен съюз – регресионен анализ на странова и секторна премия
An estimation of the Bulgarian equity market integration within the EMU equity market - a regression analysis of country and sector premium

Author(s): Borislav Stoyanov
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Financial Markets
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Bulgaria; Equity Market; Stock Market; EMU
Summary/Abstract: The integration of stock markets is a specific part of the overall integration process for establishing the single market in the EU and similar to this process it has a nominal (regulatory) and real (applied) aspect. Measuring the degree of integration of stock markets is proving to be a difficult task, and over the years researchers have tried to gravitate towards two main approaches - direct and indirect. Interest in these studies has increased since the foundation of the European Monetary Union.

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