Участието на България в общите политики на ЕС - проблеми и перспективи
The Participation of Bulgaria in the EU Policies – Problems and Perspectives

Author(s): Vyara Zhekova
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Government/Political systems, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Globalization; Integration; European Union; Common Policies; Economic Crisis; Reforms
Summary/Abstract: In the globality of our modern world, the idea of sustainable development of the world is key. This idea has established itself at present not only as a theoretical statement, but also as a vital necessity. In this regard, the European Union (EU) is no exception in terms of attitude towards sustainability. One of the ideas that runs virtually through the entire Europe 2020 strategy is a change in perceptions towards education and a change in the approach to education, science, technology and innovation. Economic realities have overtaken political ones which requires a rethinking of these goals and a new approach to them in the common European area.

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