Определящи тенденции в развитието и структурата на стокообмена на България в рамките на Европейския съюз
Basic Trends in the Development and the Structure Of the External Trade Turnover of Bulgaria in the EU

Author(s): Oleg Lozanov
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Bulgaria; EU; External Trade; Export Dynamics; Import; Competitiveness
Summary/Abstract: This paper reviews the Bulgarian export and external trade dynamics in the context of the EU membership. The author presents empirical data on the changes in the trade turnover for select time period. Based on that the author suggests defining trends on the structure and the flow of the trade between Bulgaria and the EU. The analysis observes an asymmetry in the external trade turnover: not only didn’t Bulgaria make use of all benefits of the Single market but the country allowed other member states to dominate with their more competitive export to the national market in Bulgaria. The author notes that certain products and industries in Bulgaria are noncompetitive when compared to analogical products from other EU countries. The price levels of the export to the EU and import from the EU provide qualitative explanation about the structure of the trade between the two parties – Bulgaria imports industrial goods with high value added while it exports to the EU raw materials and goods of lower value added. Overall, the analysis concludes that the Bulgarian economy becomes more dependent and linked to the Single market and follows the dynamics across the EU.

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