Международна конкурентоспособност на експортно ориентирани отрасли в България
International Competitiveness of Export-Oriented Industries in Bulgaria
Author(s): Antoaneta Vassileva
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, International relations/trade
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Bulgaria; Industry; Competitiveness; Export; Import; Export-Oriented Industries; Competitive Advantages
Summary/Abstract: This publication presents the main results of the research project "International Competitiveness of Export-Oriented Industries in Bulgaria", funded by the state budget from the Fund "UNWE Research", implemented during the period December 2009 - December 2011. The goal of this project is to analyze and assess the international competitiveness of the export-oriented industries in Bulgaria and to propose recommendations at the macro-, meso- and micro-level for its increase. The study utilizes a wide range of general scientific and specific methods for assessing the international competitiveness of export-oriented industries in Bulgaria. The SWOT analysis has a central place to present the main competitive advantages and disadvantages of the industries and the challenges they face. The main sources of statistical information are the National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria and the Eurostat. For the implementation of the project objectives a special questionnaire has been developed, distributed in the 6 planning regions among managers of companies from the identified export-oriented industries.
Book: Членството на България в Европейския съюз: четири години по-късно
- Page Range: 12-38
- Page Count: 27
- Publication Year: 2013
- Language: Bulgarian