Основни етапи и трудности при внедряването на балансирана система от показатели за ефективност
Basic Stages and Problems of the Implementation of the Balanced Scoreboard

Author(s): Borislav Ivanov
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Sociology, Management and complex organizations
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard; Management Methodology; Company Strategy; Company Goals; Organizational Challenges
Summary/Abstract: This report examines the Balanced Scorecard (BSc) management methodology as a tool for managing and implementing company strategy and goals. The essence of the methodology has not been considered as there is sufficient research material on this issue. The various aspects of what can hinder or facilitate the implementation of the methodology at each level of employees in the organization are considered in this paper. The possible weaknesses in the development of each perspective of the methodology are also described.

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