Ролята и влиянието на екологичната култура върху развитието на екологично отговорния туризъм (анкетно проучване)
Role and Influence of Environmental Awareness on the Development of Environmentally Responsible Tourism
Author(s): Sonia Stefanova
Subject(s): Economy, Tourism
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Tourism; Ecology; Ecologically Responsible Tourism; European Union; Foreign Policy
Summary/Abstract: The present scientific announcement focuses on the problem area, outlining the parameters of the tourism industry worldwide and environmental awareness of the citizens. The fact is that international tourism these days is a business with very large scale. Every year about 800 million people depart on a trip abroad. In addition, almost 2.8 billion spend leaves and holidays in their home countries. Estimated by the World Tourism Organization, the income from the tourism sector amounts to over $1.5 trillion annually. As one of the major sectors of economy, tourism is severely affected by all the changes occurring in the environment. Of course the relation is two-way – on the one hand, tourism has an impact on the social and cultural environment and ecology, on the other – socio-cultural and environmental factors affect it. Overcoming the antagonism between man and nature is possible only in a society, characterized by a high level of environmental awareness of the people and their willingness to contribute to the harmonious development of the environment. In this connection, the attention of the competent governmental and industry bodies is directed towards the search for innovative ways to shape and improve the environmental awareness of citizens, emphasizing not only utilitarian but also the ethical and aesthetical aspects of it.
Book: Членството на България в Европейския съюз: шест години по-късно
- Page Range: 279-288
- Page Count: 10
- Publication Year: 2014
- Language: Bulgarian