Развитието на индустриалната политика в България като фактор за устойчив разтеж в ЕС
The Development of the Industrial Policy in Bulgaria as a Factor for Sustainable Growth in the EU

Author(s): Hristo Ivanov Totev
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: European Union; EU; Industrial Policy; Sustainable Growth
Summary/Abstract: Industrial production is part of the economy as an activity which aims to satisfy individual and aggregated needs. Human needs are virtually limitless, while resources for the production of goods and services designed to meet those needs are naturally limited. This limited resources and unlimited consumption forces individuals to carry out their activities efficiently i.e., to organize them in a manner so that from the limited resources to achieve maximum satisfaction of its needs. It is obvious that the realization of this goal is a process of making and implementing decisions for the production of goods and services and for their consumption. All this requires the establishment of a common EU industrial policy, and the aim of the report is to examine the principles and essence of this policy. This research would gradually analyze the principles and nature of public policies, as well as the development and objectives of EU industrial policy.

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