Развитие на износa след присъединяването на България към ЕС
Development of Bulgarian Export After the EU Accession

Author(s): Aleksandar Shivarov
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, International relations/trade
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Export; Competitiveness; Trade Indices; Trade Promotion Policies
Summary/Abstract: The paper explores the changes in Bulgaria’s exports after 2007 by product groups and main trading partners and generates hypotheses for future development. Four principal factors for determining the country’s export competitiveness are employed: level, growth and market share performance of existing exports; diversification of products and markets; quality and sophistication of exports; and entry and survival of new exporters. The analysis relies on the UN Comtrade database. A high degree of trade openness is supported by flexibility in adjusting export destinations towards more dynamic markets. A substantial weakness of Bulgarian exports is the quality dimension. It appears that Bulgaria’s membership in the EU intensifies the orientation of the export basket towards raw materials, resource based goods and products with low technological sophistication. This study can be regarded as an initial step towards identification of options for policies supporting export development as an important component of Bulgarian economic growth.

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