Роли на съпрузите при вземане на решение за покупка на основни продуктови групи
Roles of Husbands in Decision-Making for Purchases of Basic Commodity Groups

Author(s): Irina R. Kancheva, Georgi Marinov
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Gender Studies, Sociology, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Marital Roles; Family Purchase Decision; Family Decision-Making
Summary/Abstract: Family decision-making is an area of interest for a wide specter of social sciences. Over the last few decades an extensive amount of research have been aimed at various dimensions of family purchasing behavior. The division of parts played by family members is the cornerstone for understanding the complex nature of family decision processes. This paper is focused on spouses’ perception of marital role distribution in family decision-making. The role specialization of husbands and wives at three stages of family decision making process was examined across 22 product categories, using a convenience sample of 114 wives and 101 husbands from different families.

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