Институции в енергетиката в България и ЕС - същност, структура, функции, цели и задачи
Institutions in the Energy Sector in Bulgaria and the EU - Nature, Structure, Functions, Goals and Objectives

Author(s): Silvia Dimitrova
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Public Administration, Environmental and Energy policy
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Bulgaria; European Union; Energy; Energy Policy; Energy Regulation;
Summary/Abstract: The role of institutions in shaping energy policy of Bulgaria and the European Union is certainly very significant. Resources through which the extraction of energy required for citizens and businesses, are not inexhaustible, and therefore need to be well and wisely managed. Energy sector is of strategic importance for the EU. Europe's energy dependency, as a user of 1/5 of the generated energy in the world, from external suppliers necessitates prudent policy not only within the European Union as a whole, but also as regards each of the Member States. Of great importance for the formation of the EU energy policy are the EU institutions and those in each country.

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