Анализ на развитието на енергийната политика на ЕС. Изясняване на приоритетите и инструментите на европейската енергийна политика. Приносът на енергийната политика за постигане на целите на ЕС с фокус върху европейската регионална политика.
Analysis of the Development of EU Energy Policy. Clarification of the Priorities and Instruments of the European Energy Policy. Contribution of the Energy Policy to the Achievement of the EU Goals with a Focus on European Regional Policy.

Author(s): Milena Mihaylova
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental and Energy policy
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: EU Energy Policy; Baltic Plan; Mediterranean Energy Ring; TEN-E; Liquefied Natural Gas
Summary/Abstract: This article attempts to demonstrate the stages of development of the EU energy policy. The article also examines the common political goals of EU member countries in the sphere of energy development used as a base for the Strategy "Europe 2020". Emphasis is placed on the Action Plan for Energy Security and Solidarity of the European Commission, which covers five areas of action. The article analyses different policies and instruments such as the European Union – the Trans-European Energy Networks (TEN-E programme) of the European Commission, the scheme for the construction of offshore grid in the North Sea (Blueprint for a North Sea offshore grid) and others.

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