Ефекти на радионовините в конвергентна медийна среда
Effects of The Radio News in Convergent Media Environment

Author(s): Vili Yankova
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: convergent media environment; radio; radio news; media effects
Summary/Abstract: The effects of the media have been subject of research for decades. Opinions of what the media can do are changed over the years. Their impact changes with the development of societies, but also with new technologies. In the convergent media environment in which, along with traditional media, Internet-based media have emerged, radio, television and newspapers have changed. The effects they have on their audience are also different. The purpose of this report is precisely to seek an answer to the question of how the effects change and how the way the audience perceives the information changes. The subject of the research is narrowed down to the effects of radio and in particular of radio news in information radio.

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