General Ioan Dumitrache, Portrait of a Legend. Commander of the 2nd Mountain Division - Divizia de Cremene
General Ioan Dumitrache, Portrait of a Legend. Commander of the 2nd Mountain Division - Divizia de Cremene

Author(s): Florian Bichir
Subject(s): Military history, Recent History (1900 till today)
Published by: Centrul tehnic-editorial al armatei
Keywords: Second World War; General Ioan Dumitrache; 2nd Mountain Division; Crimea Division; Grozny; Chechnya;
Summary/Abstract: The activity and the memoirs of General Ion Dumitrache are undoubtedly important,if not capital, for knowing our history and especially the history of the Second World War.It is notorious that Mountain Troops represented the only elite troops of the Romanian Infantryduring the entire Eastern Campaign. In today’s jargon a kind of “green berets”. The best knownof them was the 2nd Mountain Division.The courage of the fighters under the command of General Dumitrache made the2nd Mountain Division to acquire on the front a well-deserved renown, in sync with thedetermination demonstrated by the troops of that great unit: “Divizia de Cremene”. HistorianAlesandru Duţu noted in his most recent volume that “General Dumitrache led large unitsof the Romanian Army that reached the easternmost point in the Second World War.The Romanian troops under his command fought in the Caucasus Mountains, the 2nd RomanianMountain Division reaching close to Grozny, the capital of Chechnya!”

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