Improving Performance and Risk Management in Procurement By Developing a Common Platform at the Ministry of National Defence
Improving Performance and Risk Management in Procurement By Developing a Common Platform at the Ministry of National Defence

Author(s): Alexandra-Ioana Marian
Subject(s): Security and defense, Military policy
Published by: Centrul tehnic-editorial al armatei
Keywords: performance management; life cycle; RSAP (Resources and Support for Public Acquisition) platform; risk management;
Summary/Abstract: The procurement performance translates in terms of effectively managing public fundsthrough the acquisition of products that meet customers’ requirements, are delivered on time,and under advantageous conditions.A systematic analysis of the legislative barriers and factors that influence procurement offersa clear image of the vulnerabilities associated with implementing the process. By applyingmodern risk assessment methods, an information package can be designed to support thedecision-making process of how to effectively allocate resources in order to achieve theperformance objectives established.This paper offers a practical solution for improving procurement performance by developinga common platform, at the Ministry level, where the results obtained by each contractingauthority are analysed objectively and transparently. The platform also offers support inplanning an acquisition, serving as aid to all contracting authorities that engage in suchactivities.

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