Consequence Management, Critical Infrastructures and the Art of Military Operational Planning
Consequence Management, Critical Infrastructures and the Art of Military Operational Planning

Author(s): Daniel Roman
Subject(s): Security and defense, Military policy
Published by: Centrul tehnic-editorial al armatei
Keywords: societal domains; consequence management; operational planning; military operations; critical infrastructures; crisis; hybrid war;
Summary/Abstract: The complexity of the essential areas of life at a societal level and the difficulty of identifyingthe elements threatening them are the main issues that the contemporary societies haveto face, regardless of their economic development. Thus, the dynamics of changes in thedefining environments of a society set a specific rhythm of the societal activities that areinterdependent and determine a network behaviour specific to all the actors involved.According to the importance of the outcome of the totality of actions in these fields, a certainextrapolation on the future results, namely a possibility of expressing those scientificallyargued predictions, such as the ones belonging to the field of consequence management.The notions of peace and security at the societal level are directly influenced by the complexityof the cooperation and the coordination between the pillar factors: political/diplomatic,military, economic, social, infrastructural, informational and environmental, with majorimplications on the population and the space, calculated within a specific time frame. Takingadvantages of the weaknesses and capitalising on the possible occurrence of a risk or a majorimpact negative event can degenerate under certain conditions to border situations, crisis,armed military conflict or even a hybrid war. The art of the operational planning in the militaryfield can be considered the reference point in the development of the societal threat scenarios,according to the established level of particularisation, be it tactical, operational or strategic.The joined approach to the operational planning on several levels and on societal domains of acrisis or hybrid war occurrence can be one of the solutions for solving the standstill situations orthe societal throw-back. Therefore, we considered it was necessary to clarify those theoreticalaspects regarding the possible bi-univocal conceptual undertaking of the operational art ofplanning the military operations to other fields such as consequence management and criticalinfrastructure protection.

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