Fake News in the 21st Century
Fake News in the 21st Century

Author(s): Antonia Teodora Maris
Subject(s): Security and defense, Military policy
Published by: Centrul tehnic-editorial al armatei
Keywords: fake news; security culture; threat; risk; vulnerability; counter-action;
Summary/Abstract: The reality of the current century is shaping new security challenges. Spectacular changesin terms of technological progress, the ubiquity of digital technologies, the digital revolution,the global digital order, the constantly increasing importance of digital platforms, the speed atwhich information is transmitted, the algorithmization of personal life, the power to direct andchange public opinion, are only a few features of the 21st century.With this evolution, threats, risk factors and current vulnerabilities of each state havereached new states of manifestation. In this context, the fake news phenomenon has thepotential to influence the attitude and change the perception of entire audience segments.A first step in combating this phenomenon is to familiarize the population with thisconcept that is rapidly becoming a threat. Building a strong security culture and identifyingvulnerabilities constitute important steps in establishing a good foundation for a secureenvironment.

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