Изпълнение на предварителните условия и тяхното значение за програмния период 2014-2020 г.
Implementation of Pre-Conditions and their Importance for the Programing Period 2014-2020

Author(s): Stoyan Neytchev
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, National Economy, Public Finances, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Preconditions; Partnership Agreement; European Union
Summary/Abstract: This report provides a brief overview and analysis of the specific document signed between the European Commission and the Republic of Bulgaria in regards with the implementation of measures and priorities during the current programming period, namely the Partnership Agreement and its section "Preconditions". A systematic analysis has been carried out on the four strategically inter-related funding priorities outlined in the Agreement, and the relation between these priorities and the respective objectives set through the Partnership Agreement has been examined.In addition to the above, author reviews the nature, scope and significance of the Preconditions section and demonstrates the link between the thematic objectives and the content of the Preconditions. Furthermore, the degree of their implementation is presented with an emphasis on those that have not yet been implemented and conclusions are offered in this regard.

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