Имплементиране на принципите на "Зелената книга - Европейска рамка за корпоративно управление" - по примера на БФБ
Implementing of the Principles of 'Green Paper - The EU Corporate Governance Framework" - Case Study of BSE

Author(s): Stanislava Lalova, Dimitar Ivanov
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Financial Markets
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Corporate Governance; Stock Exchanges; Listed Companies
Summary/Abstract: The current economic and social lives have repeatedly shaken by a number of financial and debt crises, the consequences of which led to the collapse of many corporations and organizations which simultaneously served as a lesson for the future work of others. The recommendations, which were derived in the field of modern corporate governance were set out in a series of Books, Regulations, Principles, Laws and Codes forming the framework for corporate governance based on the acquired practices. An interesting endeavour is tracking the recommendations drawn 5 years ago in the "Green Paper – European framework for CG" and whether and how they have been transposed to the National Code of CG of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange nowadays. The report examines all the principles in details and is trying to find some common ground also reflected by the Principles of CG OECD that also underwent a revision in the past year. The joint regulatory system for CG represents a great interest because it is based on a set of regulations in the form of laws and also the so-called soft law – some recommendations of the best CG practices. And it is this unity of regulations that put in the current Bulgarian business situation is undeniably intriguing for every economist, researcher and economic subject.

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