Тенденции на развитие на безработицата в България преди и след присъединяването ѝ към Европейския съюз
Trends of Development of Unemployment in Bulgaria Before and After the EU Accession
Author(s): Atanas Atanasov
Subject(s): Economy, Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Unemployment; Trends; Distribution of Unemployment; European Union
Summary/Abstract: Careful study of unemployment trends in Bulgaria before and after membership in The European Union (EU) is an important topic. The main objective of this report is to examine the dynamics of unemployment in Bulgaria before and after its accession to the EU. For this purpose, are used a number of key indicators measuring unemployment in the country and were made comparisons of the indicators in the country with those of the EU. The study covers the changing structure of unemployed in Bulgaria before and after accession to the EU and for this purpose are used indicators such as age, gender, education of the unemployed and others. The report finished with conclusions about estimated trends in unemployment and the labour market in the country after EU accession.
- Page Range: 184-191
- Page Count: 8
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Bulgarian