Trajektorie legitymizacji naukowej innowacyjnych metod pedagogicznych badań jakościowych: badanie w działaniu, badanie przez sztukę, autoetnografia
Trajectories of scientific legitimization of innovative methods of educational qualitative research: Action research, arts-based research, autoethnography

Author(s): Dariusz Kubinowski
Subject(s): Education
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: methodological emergence; scientific legitimization; action reseach; arts-based research; autoethnography
Summary/Abstract: The main goal of the paper is the explanation and empowerment of understanding methodology as an emergent, dynamic field of scientific knowledge about current research methods applied, constructed and re-constructed, following global socio-cultural changes. The author emphasises dialectic relations between normativity and descriptivity in methodological research, using the figure of scientific legitimization and proposing its three types: “finish”, “ascend” and “departure”. Various arguments are presented on the basis of nature, history and current practice of three research traditions: action research, arts-based research, and autoethnography.

  • Page Range: 443-456
  • Page Count: 14
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Language: Polish
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