Gândirea militară românească înainte de Marea Unire.
Proiecţia oficială prusacă vs. dezideratul şcolii franceze
Romanian Military Thinking before the Great Union. Official Prussian Projection vs. French School Desideratum
Author(s): Adrian Lesenciuc
Subject(s): Security and defense, Military policy, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: Centrul tehnic-editorial al armatei
Keywords: Prussian influence; Romanian military thinking; Clausewitz;French army; Moltke
Summary/Abstract: This chapter begins with a short review of the military thinking at the beginning of the 20th century, which mainly highlights the importance of the Prussian influence on the war. Moreover, the chapter includes the bases of the Romanian military thinking development programme. To conclude, the author writes about the development of the Romanian military thinking under the influence of the two schools of thinking: Prussian and French.
Book: Gândirea militară românească sub amprenta clausewitziană
- Page Range: 11-18
- Page Count: 8
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Romanian