Финансова подкрепа за Албания и България по линия на програмата Phare: сравнителен анализ
Financial Assistance for Albania and Bulgaria Through the Phare Program: Comparative Analysis

Author(s): Indrit Cenai
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, National Economy, Economic policy, International relations/trade, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Albania; EU Accession Process; Pre-Accession Assistance; Bulgaria; Bulgaria; PHARE program
Summary/Abstract: After the so-called ‘dictatorship’ period in Albania the country becomes recipient of financial assistance from the EU in the 90’s. This assistance is allocated through the PHARE program as well as other international donor programs (supporting food security, humanitarian aid during emergencies, development of voting standards as well as education, including loans by the European Investment Bank). This article analyses the financial aid provided by the EU to Albania and Bulgaria prior to their EU accession as well as some difficulties experienced by Bulgaria during its pre-accession funds utilization made available through PHARE program. This research is conducted with the following important limitation: the analysis covers only the duration of the pre-accession instruments and funds and the issues experienced prior to the formal accession of Bulgaria to the EU.

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