Корупцията в държавната администрация и икономическата корупция в контекста на членството на България в Европейския Съюз
Corruption in the state administration and economic corruption within the context of the membership of Bulgaria in the EU

Author(s): Galin Isaev
Subject(s): Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, National Economy, Business Ethics, EU-Legislation
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Mechanism for cooperation and verification; corruption in public administration; economic corruption; counteraction against corruption
Summary/Abstract: Bulgaria is a country – member of the European Union, which by preference of the European committee has achieved unsatisfactory results in relation to the counteraction and the fight against corruption. In a result of this preference Bulgaria has been included in a specially created Mechanism for cooperation and verification regarding certain areas, within which the committee come out with an annual report, reporting the condition of the country in the mentioned areas. The essential part of the problem with corruption in Bulgaria is the corruption in public administration and the associated with it – economic corruption. The Mechanism for cooperation and verification plays a significant disciplining role regarding the authorities in Bulgaria for taking actions targeted into the counteraction against corruption.

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