Социалната политика на Европейския Съюз в глобализиращия се свят – между европейското и националното
The EU Social Policy in the Globalizing World – in Between European and National Policy

Author(s): Todor Kondarev
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Welfare systems, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Social policy; European Union; Reflection paper social dimension Europe; White paper on the future of Europe; European Commission; European Parliament; Quality of life; Employment; Unemployment
Summary/Abstract: The current paper "Social Policy of EU in the globalizing world – between European and national" presents some aspects of the social policies of EU and the members states and, also, the challenges EU faces because of the continuous changing and developing technological world. The globalization, which affects direct he existence and the life of people, holds out new challenges for the social activities and policies within EU. Shall the policies in the separate countries members of EU continue according to the existing rules in place and every country would determine the social policies by its own or a new approach for unifying should be found in order to be used in the Union as a whole. A comparative analysis is prepared based on the historical experience for the new challenging factors in front of the labour force in Europe and the trends worldwide – negative growth of population, modernization and robotization of production, global network development (Internet), labour migration, etc., showing the new requirements to be met by the European working population in order to keep its competitiveness for the business environment. It is notified that there is a trend of future deeper integration in the social area within EU in order to balance the standard of living in all countries – richer or poorer, by unifying the social area standards.

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