Междукултурни различия и ефективно лидерство в екипа
Intercultural Differences and Effective Team Leadership
Author(s): Vasil Mihov
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Sociology, Management and complex organizations, Accounting - Business Administration, Human Resources in Economy
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Intercultural differences; Team Leadership; Leadership strategies; Managing teams
Summary/Abstract: Business processes are going global nowadays, project teams include members spread across the globe. The managers face number of challenges managing these teams. They need not just to speak a few languages but to have solid knowledge of different cultures and habits as well as to effectively manage and motivate people who do not think the same way as they do. In this way, this report aims to present the main challenges that arise in managing intercultural teams. The presented position is that managers can effectively manage their teams by adhering to certain principles and strategies – adaptation, structural intervention, management intervention, exit.
Book: Членството на България в Европейския съюз: единадесет години по-късно
- Page Range: 441-448
- Page Count: 8
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Bulgarian