Европа и лидерството във финансовите иновации (финтех)
Europe and the Leadership in Financial Innovation (Fintech)
Author(s): Silvia Kirova
Subject(s): Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Financial Markets, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Financial innovations; technologies; Fintech; financial markets
Summary/Abstract: The interaction between technology and finance has a long history but in the past several years we have witnessed a new wave of technological innovation, that has entered the financial markets and changed them significantly. The goal of this study is to explore the development of the fintech industry in the last decade and to point out where Europe stands now compared to the rest of the world in terms of development and implementation of financial innovation. The European initiatives to foster Europe’s leader position in fintech, so that the European society reap up in full the benefits of new technology are also presented in the paper.
Book: Членството на България в Европейския съюз: единадесет години по-късно
- Page Range: 395-404
- Page Count: 10
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Bulgarian