Производство на електроенергия от конвенционални енергийни източници в България
Production of Electricity of Conventional Energy Sources in Bulgaria

Author(s): Svetla Boneva
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, National Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental and Energy policy
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: production of electricity; conventional energy sources; thermo-electric power-stations
Summary/Abstract: The objective of the research is to present the importance of the characteristics of conventional energy sources electricity generation in Bulgaria. The research methods used in the study involve elements of retrospective analysis, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, comparative and content analysis, table presentation and generalization of the main ideas of key strategic and regulatory documents in the energy policy area. This is a conceptual study and a posteriori research approach has been followed for its development. The thesis of the research is that electricity generation from conventional energy sources still dominates the energy sector in Bulgaria. Coal is of high importance for the security of the country with electricity. Bulgaria has enough installed and functioning powers for coal processing, which is the main reason for the highest share of this energy sources in the total electricity generation in Bulgaria. The results of the research represent generalizations and analyses on the stable interest in conventional electricity generation in Bulgaria. The results of the research provide ground for evidence-based recommendations and decisions on the future policy measures in the energy sector and their implementation in Bulgaria. The conclusion of the research is that the interest in conventional energetics is big and the biggest share of electricity generated in Bulgaria comes from coal notwithstanding its’ negative environmental impacts and the consciousness of the fact that raw materials will be depleted in the long run. The general production of electricity in Bulgaria in 2017 has been increased in comparison with 1990 as a result of the new powers installed for generating electricity from renewable energy sources. Electricity generation from coal and atomic energy remain nearly unchanged in 2017 compared to 1990, while electricity derived from natural gas has reduced and the electricity generated by renewable energy sources registers several times bigger increases for the same period. Energy efficiency measures undertaken in Bulgarian industry and households in the last 2 decades, the clear trend to turning the national economy structure towards less energy consuming sectors (such as the service sector which forms an ever growing share of the national GDP in the recent years) and the overall decrease of the population in Bulgaria is a clear evidence of the export potential of the country in terms of electricity exports. Yet both the European and world electricity markets however do not render a considerable account for the resource from which energy has been generated (e.g. "green" or "brown" energy).

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