Miejsca (nie)PODobne – toponimia w historiach alternatywnych
AntiPODian places − toponomastics in alternative history

Author(s): Natalia Lemann
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: toponomastic;literature;alternative history
Summary/Abstract: The aim of the alternative histories, speculative, literary genre, is to show and describe the different scenarios of historical events. Those events, although possible, does not became truth. This genre persuades the reader for intertextual lecture in relation to history known from the actual world. Changing the toponomastics in created, secondary universe is one of the most interesting methods of alternate the history. Writers builds the alternate toponomastics, e.g. ethnonims, ojkonims, chrematonims, eponims for the purpose of authenticate the changing history scenario. It seems interesting to analyze toponomastics in following scopes: using of historical knowledge for decoding the semantic potential of such historical and toponymy mdifications; alternate the historical discourse via toponymy; cultural background of changed toponomastics; reception issues (sender and recipient competences). The tension between recognisability and strangeness of toponymy is marked by the title, author`s pun ‘AntiPODian places’, utilizing the primal for the alternative history genre hallmark, point of divergence. This term means the crucial moment when the historical events separated from the path known from the actual world. The raised problems are examine with the scientific procedure of epistemology of history, cultural anthropology, literary anthropology and cultural studies. The material under investigation derived from following novels: Vaterland by Robert Harris, Wenn das der Führer wüsste by Otto Basil, The Alteration by Kingsley Amis, Quietus. Powieść z dziejów rzymskich i wenedyjskich by Jacek Inglot and Inne Pieśni and Lód by Jacek Dukaj.

  • Page Range: 383-397
  • Page Count: 15
  • Publication Year: 2015
  • Language: Polish
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